Racism Argumentative Essay Topics: 25+ Ideas You Can Explore

The most difficult moment in my college years was when I had to write an argumentative essay on racism. 

For the love of God, the assumption that some people are superior because of their national origin, ethnicity, or color always tricked me. Yet over time, I’ve learned that even the most controversial topics such as this are worth exploring.

So if your teacher has asked you to write a racism argumentative essay, you should first choose a relevant topic to explore and then move on from there.

Don’t worry if you find the topic research process intense, especially given that your choice will undoubtedly lead to a controversial argument.

I’ve put together a list of 40 ideas to help you get started. Scan the list, single out a topic that piques your interest, and then write an argumentative essay on it.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose a topic that allows you to dig deeper into the historical causes and effect of racial prejudices and discrimination.
  • Ensure the topic allows you to examine multiple credible sources, as doing so shows that you researched widely before arriving at your conclusion.
  • If a topic allows you to demonstrate critical thinking and an open mind to the issue of racism, it might be worth exploring.
  • Select a topic that allows you to demonstrate the link between racism and social issue.

Don’t wait until the last minute to start working on your essay. You can pay for an essay and one of our top writers will help you get the work done. We guarantee in-depth research, proper structure, custom writing, and timely delivery.

25+ Racism Argumentative Essay Topics

The following is a list of 20+ argumentative essay ideas from which you can find an interesting topic to explore:

  1. Can cultural diversity foster the growth of racism, and if so, how?
  2. Should racism be a capital crime, punishable by death with no chance of parole, or are there alternative ways to address it effectively?
  3. Are racists capable of being equally cruel, or does racism manifest differently in different individuals?
  4. Can movements like Black Lives Matter effectively combat racism in America, or are there other approaches that would be more successful?
  5. Should parents discipline their children for exhibiting racist behaviors, or are there alternative methods to address and educate them?
  6. Is skin color the primary cause of racism in the Western world, or are there other underlying factors contributing to it?
  7. Can open dialogue alone resolve the problem of racism, or are there additional actions and policies required?
  8. Is racial discrimination common in the United States of America, or is it an exaggerated issue?
  9. Could racism potentially lead to another global conflict, or are there factors that would prevent such an outcome?
  10. Does racism reside in every individual’s heart, or are there individuals who are genuinely free from racist beliefs?
  11. Has Barack Obama’s legacy failed to improve the racial situation in the United States of America, or are there notable advancements attributed to his presidency?
  12. Do parents sow seeds of racism sown in their children during childhood, or are there other influential factors at play in its development?
  13. Does racism pose no psychological health risks, or are there negative consequences for both individuals and society?
  14. Is there insufficient evidence to prove that Mexicans are inherently racist, or are there valid arguments supporting such a claim?
  15. Being a racist should a crime and therefore not treated as a matter of personal belief and freedom of expression.
  16. Can a racist president govern a country better than a non-racist president can, or are there inherent dangers and risks associated with such leadership?
  17. Do anti-racist movements contribute to improving individuals’ self-esteem, or are there potential negative consequences to consider?
  18. Can a troubled upbringing contribute to someone becoming a racist, or are there other factors that play a more significant role in the development of racist beliefs?
  19. Will the human race eventually overcome racial prejudice and discrimination, or are these deeply ingrained aspects of human nature?
  20. Does racism contradict religious beliefs, or are there interpretations and perspectives that accommodate or even promote racism?
  21. Should white and black people have equal rights, or are there valid arguments for different rights based on racial backgrounds?
  22. Is there a remedy for racism, or is this form of discrimination a persistent and complex issue that humans cannot eradicate completely?
  23. Is racism a form of mental illness in modern society, or should it be understood primarily as a social and cultural problem?
  24. Can cultural diversity effectively mitigate racism, or are there inherent challenges and conflicts that arise from differences?
  25. Do anti-racist movements facilitate the unity of people from different races and backgrounds to combat racism?
  26. Is racism more prevalent among adults than children are or are there specific factors that contribute to the development of racist beliefs at different stages of life?
  27. Can the government effectively prevent people from being racist through legislation and policies, or are there limitations to its control over individual beliefs?
  28. Can the government put effective measures in place to stop its citizens from promoting racism, or are there inherent limitations to government intervention in such matters?
  29. Can teaching children to treat each other equally help to promote an anti-racist world, or are there other educational approaches needed to combat racism effectively?
  30. Schools should actively teach and encourage students to stand against racism instead of leaving the responsibility to only parents and communities.
  31. Will racism eventually disappear on its own, or is proactive effort required to eradicate it from society?
  32. There should be a strict regulation for film industries to help mitigate the promotion of racism.
  33. Did the women’s movement of the 1960s successfully unite women of different races, or did it primarily focus on the experiences of white women?
  34. Do all racists in the world suffer from psychological issues and require medical attention, or are there other factors contributing to racist beliefs?
  35. Should white individuals have more human rights than black individuals should, or should there be equal rights to all regardless of race?

Final Thoughts

If you haven’t found an interesting topic from the list above, or if you don’t even have the time to write the essay yourself, you can get essay writing help here. Our focus is on custom writing, with unique essay delivery guaranteed.

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