3 Types of Argumentative Essays and Their Significance

It’s important to learn and master the different types of argumentative essays before you write one. By doing so, you’ll construct solid arguments easily without evoking anger or resentment from instructors who’re unlikely to agree with the position you hold. 

Remember, the purpose of an argument is to present reasonable conclusions to persuade your reader to consider your stand on an issue. By using the right approach, you can draw attention to your point of view, even if your audience doesn’t agree with you initially.

In this guide, we look at the different forms of arguments that your instructor may ask you to write, why they’re important, as well as the right way to structure them.

Key Takeaways

  • Your professor may you to write a causal, rebuttal, proposal, evaluation, narrative, Toulmin, Rogerian, or classical argument.
  • Ensure you check the assignment brief first before you select an issue that evokes debate, so you’re on the right track throughout the writing process.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask your instructor for guidance should you be in doubt about this assignment.

1. Classical Argument

In a classical argument, you draw a reader’s attention to a specific perspective. You have to look into both sides of an argument, take a position, and then use evidence to prove that your stand on the issue is right.

Classical arguments don’t demand proof of whether something is a fact or fiction. Rather, it requires you to consider time, logic, authenticity, and emotions as tools to convince an audience to change their stand on an issue and agree with your point of view.

This essay has five parts. These are the introduction, a presentation of a personal perspective, an explanation against and for the contrary argument, evidence for the truthfulness of a claim, and a sound conclusion.

Your classical argument should have the following parts:   


The introduction centers on the subject of the argument. It provides enough background information for the issue you intend to address. In addition to including your position on a claim, close this section with a thesis statement.


Use artistic and inartistic arguments to bolster your position on a classical issue. Every argument you present should support the arguable thesis statement in a way that gets the target audience to agree with the claim you make.

Concession and Refutation

Here, you agree and disagree with the subject under investigation.

Where you have to agree, consider presenting statements that draw in your audience’s attention and make them want to listen to you. Use convincing statements that serve to strengthen your argument. Take this a step further by using pathos and ethos, which create an environment for listening and learning.

Where you have to disagree, use reason, facts, and relevant testimonies to explain why the opposing point of view doesn’t present a strong case for the issue on question.


Don’t introduce new ideas in the conclusion of your argument. Instead, focus on tie everything together and showing how relevant your argument is to the thesis statement. Also, here’s where you answer the “so what” question, which is something your reader is likely to ask.

You might have to spend a few hours in this section before you get the conclusion for your classical argument right.

2. Rogerian Argument

You should use the Rogerian argument structure if you intend to discuss a controversial subject.

By using this approach, you can debate some of the most sensitive issues without creating a hostile environment. Because you present your perspective in a respectful way while finding a compromise without hurting people’s feelings, you can easily get your audience to agree or disagree with you without evoking a fight.

Notably, Rogerian provides an optimal environment for opposition and, at the same time, let you present a compromise that the two sides of an argument can agree with.

The Rogerian argument has a unique structure that’s easy to follow. Ideally, you want ensure your work has the following sections: 

  • Introduction: Explain why your subject is important. Your explanation should be so precise and convincing that it gets readers to want to learn more from you.
  • Opposing Views: You should address the opposing views. It’s important that you mention why these views matter in the context of your argument.
  • Your Position’s Statement: Your audience should understand why you care so much about the topic you wish to discuss. 
  • Resolution: Look at both sides of an issue and then suggest the best solutions to resolve the conflict at hand.

Some of the most controversial issues that may require the Rogerian structure include abortion, criminal justice, gun control, and racism.

3. Toulmin Argument

A Toulmin argument requires you to break your essay into six sections. You’ll have claims, backing, rebuttal, grounds, warrant, and qualifier.

The essay starts with a primary argument for which you provide evidence that supports the claim you make. Then, you’ll connect the warrant with the claim you’ve made.

Backing, qualifier, and rebuttal aren’t common elementsin the Toulmin argument. However, they’re still relevant for the paper. So don’t hesitate to add them if, when, and where necessary.

These elements, with warrant, claim, and grounds being the most significant for the essay, can help you construct comprehensive arguments that your audience can connect and agree with.

Get Professional Help

The last thing you want is to wait until the last minute to start working on your assignment.  If you don’t have the time to dedicate to writing your essay, you can hire one of our writers to do the work for you.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have an issue to focus on or you already have a topic to investigate. Our team can take you from a completely blank page to a fully comprehensive essay in the shortest time possible.

We charge only $12.99 per page, which is the most affordable price point you’ll ever come across online.  

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